台灣官方網站 : https://www.baoli.championusa.com.tw/
Champion於1919年在紐約羅徹斯特創辦,是一家生產運動服裝的公司。 以獨家專利的橫紋編織技術(Reverse Weave)及高科技的材質,製造出耐穿、耐洗及創新的產品而聞名。
諸多世界第一的發明:連帽上衣(Hooded Sweatshirt)、可正反兩面穿的T恤(Reversible T-shirts)、透氣網眼材質衣服(Breathable Mesh Clothing)、運動內衣(Sportsbra)等,廣受使用者的好評。
About Champion® Established in Rochester, New York in 1919, the Champion brand has a unique heritage as an originator and innovator of men’s and women’s athletic apparel. Champion has pioneered some of the most important innovations in the category of sports bra, reverse weave sweatshirt, team uniform, breathable mesh practice uniforms. The brand has an authentic heritage and is still at the forefront of technical innovation and style.
Champion Taiwan official website 台灣官方網站: https://www.baoli.championusa.com.tw/
Champion Taiwan official website 客服電話:02-2526972